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Used to get a country

  • GETMethod
  • /v2/countries/countryURL
Name Type Description Restrictions
country String The ISO 3166-1 alpha2 country code
  • Minimum length: 2
  • Maximum length: 2
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
fields String Optional Select fields to include in the response, comma separated list of field names. Requesting only the needed fields improves response time, especially when omitting relation fields. Identifying field(s) are always included.

Successful request

  • 200 OKHTTP Status
  • application/jsonContent-Type
Name Type Required / Optional Description
code String Required The ISO 3166-1 alpha2 country code
name String Required The ISO 3166-1 english country name
postalCodePattern String Optional The postal code validation regular expression pattern
postalCodeExample String Optional A example postal code

Failed requests

Generic errors can be expected.

The ISO 3166-1 alpha2 country code
Select fields to include in the response, comma separated list of field names. Requesting only the needed fields improves response time, especially when omitting relation fields. Identifying field(s) are always included.

GET /v2/countries/country