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Used to schedule a validation call. This call is only available for Sectigo products.

  • POSTMethod
  • /v2/processes/processId/schedule-validation-callURL
  • application/jsonContent-Type
Name Type Description Restrictions
processId Integer The process ID
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
date Timestamp Required The date and time the validation call should be scheduled for. This should be during Dutchoffice hours, generally the call can be expected within an hour from the planned time

Successful request

  • 200 OKHTTP Status

Failed requests

Generic errors can be expected.

The process ID
The date and time the validation call should be scheduled for. This should be during Dutchoffice hours, generally the call can be expected within an hour from the planned time

POST /v2/processes/processId/schedule-validation-call
Content-Type: application/json
