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Used to create a DNS template

  • POSTMethod
  • /v2/customers/customer/dnstemplates/templateURL
  • application/jsonContent-Type
Name Type Description Restrictions
customer String The handle of the customer
  • Regular expression: [a-zA-Z0-9\-_@\.]+
  • Minimum length: 3
  • Maximum length: 40
template String The template name
  • Minimum length: 3
  • Maximum length: 40
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
hostMaster String Required The email address of the hostmaster
refresh Integer Required The time when the slave will try to refresh the zone from the master, in seconds
retry Integer Required The time between retries if the slave (secondary) fails to contact the master when refresh has expired, in seconds
  • Default Value: 3600
  • Minimum value: 1
expire Integer Required Indicates when the zone data is no longer authoritative, in seconds
  • Default Value: 1209600
  • Maximum value: 4838400
  • Minimum value: 86400
ttl Integer Required The duration that the record may be cached, in seconds
  • Default Value: 3600
  • Maximum value: 2419200
  • Minimum value: 60
records List < records > Optional DNS records
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
name String Required The record name. ##DOMAIN## will be replaced by the domain name to which this template will be applied
type Enum Required The record type

Possible values:

  • A: Address record
  • MX: Mail exchange record
  • CNAME: Canonical name record
  • AAAA: IPv6 address record
  • URL: URL Record
  • MBOXFW: Mailbox forward record
  • HINFO: Host information record
  • NAPTR: Naming Authority Pointer
  • NS: Name server record
  • SRV: Service locator
  • CAA: Certification Authority Authorization
  • TLSA: Transport Layer Security Authentication
  • ALIAS: ALIAS record
  • TXT: Text record
  • SOA: Start of [a zone of] authority record
  • DNSKEY: DNSKEY record
  • CERT: Certificate record
  • DS: DS record
  • LOC: Location record
  • SSHFP: SSH key record
  • URI: URI record
content String Required Type specific content of the record
ttl Integer Optional The duration that the record may be cached, in seconds (if not set, the default ttl of template (the ttl key in the request body) is used)
prio Integer Optional The priority, mandatory if "type" is MX or SRV

Successful request

  • 201 CreatedHTTP Status
  • application/jsonContent-Type

Failed requests

Besides the generic errors these specific error responses can be expected.

Type Status Description
DnsConfigurationException 400 Bad Request The DNS records contain errors
The handle of the customer
The template name
The email address of the hostmaster
The time when the slave will try to refresh the zone from the master, in seconds
The time between retries if the slave (secondary) fails to contact the master when refresh has expired, in seconds
Indicates when the zone data is no longer authoritative, in seconds
The duration that the record may be cached, in seconds
The record name. ##DOMAIN## will be replaced by the domain name to which this template will be applied
The record type
Type specific content of the record
The duration that the record may be cached, in seconds (if not set, the default ttl of template (the ttl key in the request body) is used)
The priority, mandatory if "type" is MX or SRV

POST /v2/customers/customer/dnstemplates/template
Content-Type: application/json
