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Used to get a process

  • GETMethod
  • /v2/processes/processIdURL
Name Type Description Restrictions
processId Integer The process ID
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
fields String Optional Select fields to include in the response, comma separated list of field names. Requesting only the needed fields improves response time, especially when omitting relation fields. Identifying field(s) are always included.

Successful request

  • 200 OKHTTP Status
  • application/jsonContent-Type
Name Type Required / Optional Description
id Integer Required The process ID
user String Required The user that initiated the process, formatted as "<customerHandle>/<loginName>"
customer String Required The customer the process belongs to
status Enum Required Status of the process

Possible values:

  • NEW: New
  • VALIDATED: Validated
  • RUNNING: Running
  • COMPLETED: Completed
  • INVALID: Invalid
  • CANCELLED: Cancelled
  • FAILED: Failed
  • IN_DOUBT: In unresolved error state
  • SCHEDULED: Scheduled
  • SUSPENDED: Suspended
createdDate Timestamp Required The date the process was created
updatedDate Timestamp Optional The date the process was last updated
startedDate Timestamp Optional The date the process was started
type String Required The type of entity this process relates to (e.g. "domain", "contact", ...)
identifier String Optional The identifier of entity this process relates to (e.g. the domain name or contact handle)
action String Required The action performed on the entity this process relates to (e.g. "create", "update", ...)
reservation Map <String, Integer> Optional Account reservation made for this process, map of currency and amount in cents
transaction Map <String, Integer> Optional Account transaction made for this process, map of currency and amount in cents
refund Map <String, Integer> Optional Account refund made for this process, map of currency and amount in cents
command Object Required The content of the command used to start the process
resumeTypes List <Enum> Optional The possible resume types for the process

Possible values:

  • PROVIDER: Provider
  • TIMER: Timer
  • MANUAL: Manual
  • INTERNAL: Internal
  • RESEND: Resend is allowed
  • CANCEL: Cancel is allowed
error Object Optional The content of the error returned by the process
billables List < billables > Optional The products billed in this transaction
Name Type Required / Optional Description
product String Required The product
action Enum Required The action

Possible values:

quantity Integer Required The quantity charged
amount Integer Required The amount charged for this product
providerName String Required The provider name

Failed requests

Generic errors can be expected.

The process ID
Select fields to include in the response, comma separated list of field names. Requesting only the needed fields improves response time, especially when omitting relation fields. Identifying field(s) are always included.

GET /v2/processes/processId