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Used to register a new domain name

For more information about DNS zone operations and the interactions with domains see our Knowledge Base.

  • POSTMethod
  • /v2/domains/domainNameURL
  • application/jsonContent-Type
Name Type Description Restrictions
domainName String The domain name
  • Regular expression: ^(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\.)+(?:[a-z][a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])$
  • Minimum length: 3
  • Maximum length: 255
  • Registry specific restrictions may apply
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
quote Boolean Optional If true, validate the request and request a quote for the action
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
customer String Required The customer handle
  • Regular expression: [a-zA-Z0-9\-_@\.]+
  • Minimum length: 3
  • Maximum length: 40
registrant String Required The handle of the contact to use as registrant
  • Regular expression: [a-zA-Z0-9\-_@\.]+
  • Minimum length: 3
  • Maximum length: 40
privacyProtect Boolean Optional If set to True, privacy protect will be enabled, defaults to the 'Privacy Protect' setting in your account
period Integer Optional The initial registration period for the domain name in months, defaults to the minimum period allowed by the registry
authcode String Optional The auth code for the domain name
  • Maximum length: 64
languageCode String Optional For IDN domains, the TLD specific language code for the domain name
  • Minimum length: 1
  • Maximum length: 10
autoRenew Boolean Optional If set to False, the domain will not be auto renewed upon expiration, defaults to True
ns List <String> Optional List of name servers to use for the domain name
  • Regular expression: ^(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\.)+(?:[a-z][a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])$
  • Maximum number of items: 10
  • Minimum length: 4
  • Maximum length: 255
skipValidation Boolean Optional If set to True, contact validation will not be started. If validation is required before activation the domain will not be activated and get the PENDING_VALIDATION status. The domain will automatically be activated if validation is completed at a later time. This option cannot be used for TLD's that require pre validation.
launchPhase String Optional The launch phase the domain is to be registered in, this field is only required if the TLD is not in General Availability yet
  • Maximum length: 64
zone zone Optional DNS template to use for the domain name, transform an existing zone of the specified service into a managed zone or creates a new managed zone if not found. Vanity name servers can be specified on the "ns" field.
  • In case a existing zone is used the values the values must match the existing zone or be left empty
contacts List < contacts > Optional Domain contacts and their role
keyData List < keyData > Optional DNSSEC Key data for domain
billables List < billables > Optional Acknowledgment of billables for this request
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
service Enum Optional DNS service to provision, defaults to BASIC

Possible values:

  • BASIC: Basic, free DNS
  • PREMIUM: Premium DNS
template String Optional In case of a new zone, the template to use
  • Regular expression: [a-zA-Z0-9\-_@\.]+
  • Minimum length: 3
  • Maximum length: 40
link Boolean Optional Unless false, the zone is linked to the template
master String Optional In case of a new zone, the IP address of the (hidden) master
dnssec Boolean Optional In case of a new zone, provision zone with DNSSEC
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
role Enum Required The role for the contact

Possible values:

  • TECH
handle String Required The contact handle
  • Regular expression: [a-zA-Z0-9\-_@\.]+
  • Minimum length: 3
  • Maximum length: 40
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
protocol Integer Required The DNSSEC protocol

Possible values:

  • 3
flags Integer Required The DNSSEC flags

Possible values:

  • 256: 256 (ZSK)
  • 257: 257 (KSK)
algorithm Integer Required The DNSSEC algorithm

Possible values:

  • 3: 3 (DSA/SHA1)
  • 5: 5 (RSA/SHA-1)
  • 6: 6 (DSA-NSEC3-SHA1)
  • 7: 7 (RSASHA1-NSEC3-SHA1)
  • 8: 8 (RSA/SHA-256)
  • 10: 10 (RSA/SHA-512)
  • 12: 12 (GOST R 34.10-2001)
  • 13: 13 (ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256)
  • 14: 14 (ECDSA Curve P-384 with SHA-384)
  • 15: 15 (Ed25519)
  • 16: 16 (Ed448)
publicKey String Required The base64 encoded public key
Name Type Required / Optional Description Restrictions
product String Required The product
action Enum Required The action

Possible values:

quantity Integer Optional The maximum quantity, default 1

Successful request

  • 201 CreatedHTTP Status
  • application/jsonContent-Type
Name Type Required / Optional Description
domainName String Required The domain name
expiryDate Timestamp Optional The expiry date of the created domain name
status List <Enum> Optional

Possible values:

  • OK: Ok
  • INACTIVE: Inactive
  • PENDING_TRANSFER: Pending transfer
  • PENDING_RENEW: Pending renew
  • PENDING_UPDATE: Pending update
  • DELETE_REQUESTED: Delete requested
  • PENDING_DELETE: Pending delete
  • ADD_PERIOD: Add period
  • RENEW_PERIOD: Renew period
  • AUTO_RENEW_PERIOD: Auto renew period
  • TRANSFER_PERIOD: Transfer period
  • REDEMPTION_PERIOD: Redemption period
  • PENDING_RESTORE: Pending restore
  • CLIENT_HOLD: Client hold
  • CLIENT_DELETE_PROHIBITED: Client delete prohibited
  • CLIENT_UPDATE_PROHIBITED: Client update prohibited
  • CLIENT_RENEW_PROHIBITED: Client renew prohibited
  • CLIENT_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED: Client transfer prohibited
  • REGISTRAR_HOLD: Registrar hold
  • REGISTRAR_DELETE_PROHIBITED: Registrar delete prohibited
  • REGISTRAR_UPDATE_PROHIBITED: Registrar update prohibited
  • REGISTRAR_RENEW_PROHIBITED: Registrar renew prohibited
  • REGISTRAR_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED: Registrar transfer prohibited
  • SERVER_HOLD: Server hold
  • SERVER_DELETE_PROHIBITED: Server delete prohibited
  • SERVER_UPDATE_PROHIBITED: Server update prohibited
  • SERVER_RENEW_PROHIBITED: Server renew prohibited
  • SERVER_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED: Server transfer prohibited
  • PENDING_VALIDATION: Domain pending registrant validation
  • PRIVACY_PROTECT_PROHIBITED: Privacy protect prohibited
  • EXPIRED: Domain has expired
  • IRTPC_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED: Transfer prohibited due to IRTP-C
  • 202 AcceptedHTTP Status
  • application/jsonContent-Type
Name Type Required / Optional Description
domainName String Required The domain name
expiryDate Timestamp Optional The expiry date of the created domain name
status List <Enum> Optional

Possible values:

  • OK: Ok
  • INACTIVE: Inactive
  • PENDING_TRANSFER: Pending transfer
  • PENDING_RENEW: Pending renew
  • PENDING_UPDATE: Pending update
  • DELETE_REQUESTED: Delete requested
  • PENDING_DELETE: Pending delete
  • ADD_PERIOD: Add period
  • RENEW_PERIOD: Renew period
  • AUTO_RENEW_PERIOD: Auto renew period
  • TRANSFER_PERIOD: Transfer period
  • REDEMPTION_PERIOD: Redemption period
  • PENDING_RESTORE: Pending restore
  • CLIENT_HOLD: Client hold
  • CLIENT_DELETE_PROHIBITED: Client delete prohibited
  • CLIENT_UPDATE_PROHIBITED: Client update prohibited
  • CLIENT_RENEW_PROHIBITED: Client renew prohibited
  • CLIENT_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED: Client transfer prohibited
  • REGISTRAR_HOLD: Registrar hold
  • REGISTRAR_DELETE_PROHIBITED: Registrar delete prohibited
  • REGISTRAR_UPDATE_PROHIBITED: Registrar update prohibited
  • REGISTRAR_RENEW_PROHIBITED: Registrar renew prohibited
  • REGISTRAR_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED: Registrar transfer prohibited
  • SERVER_HOLD: Server hold
  • SERVER_DELETE_PROHIBITED: Server delete prohibited
  • SERVER_UPDATE_PROHIBITED: Server update prohibited
  • SERVER_RENEW_PROHIBITED: Server renew prohibited
  • SERVER_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED: Server transfer prohibited
  • PENDING_VALIDATION: Domain pending registrant validation
  • PRIVACY_PROTECT_PROHIBITED: Privacy protect prohibited
  • EXPIRED: Domain has expired
  • IRTPC_TRANSFER_PROHIBITED: Transfer prohibited due to IRTP-C

Failed requests

Besides the generic errors these specific error responses can be expected.

Type Status Description
BillableAcknowledgmentNeededException 400 Bad Request
The domain name
If true, validate the request and request a quote for the action
The customer handle
The handle of the contact to use as registrant
If set to True, privacy protect will be enabled, defaults to the 'Privacy Protect' setting in your account
The initial registration period for the domain name in months, defaults to the minimum period allowed by the registry
The auth code for the domain name
For IDN domains, the TLD specific language code for the domain name
If set to False, the domain will not be auto renewed upon expiration, defaults to True
List of name servers to use for the domain name
If set to True, contact validation will not be started. If validation is required before activation the domain will not be activated and get the PENDING_VALIDATION status. The domain will automatically be activated if validation is completed at a later time. This option cannot be used for TLD's that require pre validation.
The launch phase the domain is to be registered in, this field is only required if the TLD is not in General Availability yet
DNS service to provision, defaults to BASIC
In case of a new zone, the template to use
In case of a new zone, the IP address of the (hidden) master
In case of a new zone, provision zone with DNSSEC
The role for the contact
The contact handle
The role for the contact
The contact handle
The role for the contact
The contact handle
The DNSSEC protocol
The DNSSEC flags
The DNSSEC algorithm
The base64 encoded public key
The product
The action
The maximum quantity, default 1

POST /v2/domains/domainName
Content-Type: application/json
